Teaching Artists from Coralville Center for the Performing Arts will return to Webter City for a week-long theatre experience for area youth August 5-9,.   The workshop is open to kids aged 7 by August 5 through those entering the 8th grade this fall. Campers are expected to attend each day from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, bring a lunch, and personal water bottle. They are also required to perform on the final day of the week. Campers will audition, rehearse songs and dance steps, learn lines and blocking to perform the original play on August 9 at 6:30 pm. 

The fee is $100 which includes a camp T-shirt and two tickets to the show. Registration is limited to 40 kids. 

Send the fee (checks made out to WCCT) along with the following information by the deadline, July 21 to :

Camper’s Name

Camper’s age on August 5 

Grade camper will be in this fall

Camper’s t-shirt size

Parent or Guardian Names

Best Phone Number

Email Address

A limited number of scholarships are available so any child who wishes to attend camp can do so. 

Contact Loween Getter for more details at 515-297-0846 or